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Engineering Mechanics/Study

3 effects of cutting oil in turning process

by Ajin_ 2023. 11. 29.


The cutting fluid cools the heat generated during the cutting process to prevent damage to the tool and workpiece. The heat generated during the cutting process can be very high, and it can quickly raise the temperature of the tool and workpiece, causing wear and deformation. The cutting fluid effectively absorbs the heat between the tool and workpiece, preventing these problems.

The cutting fluid reduces friction between the tool and workpiece to reduce cutting force and prevent wear on the tool. During the cutting process, the tool and workpiece rub against each other with very high force. This friction can accelerate tool wear and degrade the surface quality of the workpiece. The cutting fluid reduces friction between the tool and workpiece, preventing these problems.

The cutting fluid removes chips smoothly to prevent wear on the tool and damage to the workpiece surface. The chips generated during the cutting process can be very hot and sharp. These chips can accelerate tool wear and damage the surface of the workpiece. The cutting fluid removes chips smoothly to prevent these problems.
