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Engineering Mechanics8

Basic Concepts and Design Techniques of GT (Group Technology) GT (Group Technology) is a technique that aims to improve productivity by grouping similar parts with similar shapes, dimensions, and machining methods. By grouping parts, GT can rationalize process design, reduce setup time, transportation time, and waiting time between processes, and increase production quantities. This can lead to effects similar to mass production, even for small-batch produ.. 2023. 12. 3.
Features and Components of PLCs Features of PLCs PLC stands for Programmable Logic Controller, which is a computer designed for variable logic control. PLCs have the following features: Variable logic control: PLCs can perform logic control according to the user's program. Therefore, if the requirements of the process change, the system can be easily changed by changing the program. Robustness: PLCs are designed for industrial.. 2023. 12. 2.
Shell Molding Process: Principle and Pros and Cons Shell Molding Principle Shell molding is a type of sand casting that uses thin shells instead of sand. Shells are made by coating a mold frame with materials such as gypsum, pearlite, and skimmed milk. Shells are typically 3-5 mm thick and have a strong bonding layer of resin inside. The shell molding process proceeds in the following steps: Prepare the mold frame. Apply the shell coating agent .. 2023. 11. 30.
3 effects of cutting oil in turning process Cooling The cutting fluid cools the heat generated during the cutting process to prevent damage to the tool and workpiece. The heat generated during the cutting process can be very high, and it can quickly raise the temperature of the tool and workpiece, causing wear and deformation. The cutting fluid effectively absorbs the heat between the tool and workpiece, preventing these problems. Lubrica.. 2023. 11. 29.